Use an adaptable and up-to-date digital signs solution to point visitors in the right direction. Make their experience first-rate and create a tech-forward environment.
Location guidance displays are a must-have solution for a modern, people-oriented space.
Take full advantage of wayfinding digital signage features developed by Kitcast.
Add a new dimension to your space with route navigation screens.
Infuse your key areas with a functional solution that helps direct foot traffic and disperse crowds.
Wayfinding digital signage is maps, directions, or step-by-step guides placed on screens. They support visitors in getting around the area and making their way toward their desired locations.
It significantly decreases the need for staff assistance. It helps to manage and direct the flow of people in traffic-loaded areas, optimizing space use.
Kitcast is a user-oriented software. Its interface has an easy-to-understand structure, allowing users to make changes to content on screens with a few simple steps.
Adjust your wayfinding digital screens according to your preferences. Kitcast gives you all the tools in hand to customize templates and display content your way.
Yes! Set the dates and times for your content to be featured. On top of that, you can even schedule the deletion of media files and playlists.