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This article is about how to make your window a window of opportunity (pun intended). Many businesses forget about the fantastic selling capabilities of the outdoors and the outside (if it’s a shopping mall). Business window signage gets the job of attention-grabbing done and that’s all you need to sell more. Wouldn’t you want a tool that gives such a result? Let’s take a closer look at the window display signage and the ways of doing it right.
Origins of window shopping
While it may seem like a straightforward concept, window shopping is the core of modern commerce. The premise is simple, shops have windows. Shops sell goods. In order to sell goods better you need a better window display.
These rules were born when proto-shopping became a thing in Old European towns starting in the 17th century. Paris, London, and Madrid all competed in the creatively decorated windows of boutiques, cafes, bookshops, etc. Going from store to store just browsing became a favorite activity of the upper and middle class and drove sales.
That’s how the importance of the brick-and-mortar store window came to be. And it is still extremely relevant, a few centuries after. People still go to the stores, still stare at windows and still pay attention to those windows that seem to be more interesting and more engaging.
But if in 18th century Paris the stores were limited to static signage only, the 21st century allows businesses to level up their window signage by deploying new technological solutions and making it shine. That’s the era of the window display signage and it definitely slays.
Where can you use the digital window signage?
The principle is simple: if your business has a window there’s a huge opportunity to use digital signage. There’s no rocket science here.
There are different concepts of windows. Most often they are used as an extension of the display in the store showcasing specific products. Also, window signage can be an enticing “invitation” to come inside and check out the assortment. There are also instances when the window is not utilized at all (for example, at banks or real estate offices).
One thing that connects all the aforementioned examples is the fact that in every case the window serves as a mean for communication with a potential customer or a visitor. Window signage fulfills an extremely important goal to reach a person, grab their attention and send a specific message.
What tool is also extremely good at these things? Yes, we’re talking about digital signage. Screen technology is a next-generation solution for interaction. It may be the most advanced marketing tool that allows businesses and organizations to directly engage with customers.
When you pair the communicational power of the screens with the convenient commercial localization of the window beautiful things happen. On one hand, the window is still fulfilling its primary goal of making people notice your store. On the other, you’re getting a treasure trove of content opportunities that can help you turn this window into whatever you want. Isn’t it amazing?
Advantages of window signage
Deploying screens you’re going fully digital and freeing your hands from the constraints of the static world. Everything is controlled by the special software, the management is centralized and it can be interconnected with the in-store marketing signage.
These are the advantages of window signage:
- creative liberty
When you’re having a static display it’s the only thing you can show. With digital signage, you can still have the static showcase but now you’ve got screens to convey any kind of message you want with a chance to realize any content idea you have.
- immediate attention-grabbing
Let’s say it, windows are required to get the attention of passers-by, that’s their main goal. Screen technology amplifies this by offering the best marketing tool currently available to turn the eyeballs. That’s not only us, it’s the stats.
- time and money saving
You won’t have to spend much time and money to change the content when it’s all digital. You’ll only need to use software to do that.
- full e-commerce compatibility
At the age when e-commerce reigns supreme and the physical buying stats are decreasing, having a bridge connecting two worlds is indispensable. That’s what digital displays are fantastic for. When you use it as a window shopping tool, they allow you to sell better and promote better.
This way your physical and digital sides are adequately represented. People can have a quick teleport to your internet representation and access special promotions just by using their phones.
- slick looks
The window display is the first thing potential customers see when they pass through your store. Make it unforgettable with the help of the latest digital technology. Impress people, talk to them, get them talking about you and engage them with awesome content.