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We love tradeshows. And we’re very excited about DSE 2023. Kitcast has been taking part in this digital signage event for several years, and the Digital Signage Expo 2023 won’t be an exception. Here’s why.
What is DSE 2023?
This December Fabulous Las Vegas becomes a hotspot for screen technology. All the industry heavyweights flock to the Nevada desert to participate in Digital Signage Expo 2023. Las Vegas Convention Center West Hall hosts one of the world's largest digital signage conferences, and it’s quite a show.
Conference dates are Dec 2–5, 2023.
Expo dates are Dec 4-5, 2023.
Here’s what it looked like in 2022:
Basically, DSE 2023 is like Comic Con but for digital signage. Top digital signage companies, experts, and potential clients come together to discuss the latest news, exchange experiences, show great projects, and network. It’s fun and it’s useful for the business, what’s not to like?
Kitcast at DSE 2023
Kitcast has a blast every year we attend DSE and hopefully, this year won’t be an exception.
Here’s our team on the last year’s Digital Signage Expo:

That was our stand:

And here you can see a presentation of Kitcast by our co-founder Anna for rAVe [PUBS]:
By the way, Kitcast received an award for the “Best New Product You Probably Didn’t See” from rAVe [PUBS].
If you’re coming to DSE 2023, be sure to check our X (formerly known as Twitter) for all the updates and our booth number. It’s We will provide you with live coverage of the show, tours of the exhibitors, and insights from the speakers.
Why Kitcast is participating in the DSE 2023
Here’s a more business take on a trade show participation. Every conference is an investment. And as with every investment, you can have it right or wrong way.
As we regularly participate as an exhibitor in the Digital Signage Expo, we know for sure that this is the right kind of investment. With this kind of event, you’re paying to be a part of the ecosystem. In this case, it’s a digital signage bubble where all the main players of the game are represented and all potential customers attend.
Here are several reasons why Kitcast is participating in DSE 2023.
Meeting potential customers
Trade shows are perfect for connecting with brands and people who need your product. As DSE is highly specialized, this process is much more smooth here than in other technology-themed conferences.
People attending this event already know what digital signage is and that makes connecting with customers more straightforward.
Also, the attendees come from different industries and there’s always a flow of exciting new collaboration opportunities.
Networking is a big word and all the conferences throw it as some kind of beacon while rarely getting it right. How does DSE do it? Well, it depends on you. But the fact is that all the prerequisites of high-quality networking are there and it’s up to an exhibitor to use it effectively.
As we’ve mentioned, this trade show is very specialized. And that’s a big advantage for rewarding networking, not some small talk that leads nowhere.
You’ve got the key digital signage players coming to the show, there are hardware and software companies, industry-specific solutions providers, experts, buyers, and marketing specialists. It’s quite diverse but there’s never a loss of a main focus. That it’s all about the screen technology.
Keeping up with the trends
When you’re focused on developing your product, it’s easy to lose connection with the reality around you. Events like DSE 2023 help keep your hand on the pulse of the latest technological advancements in the digital signage industry.
One of our favorite parts of the show is touring the exhibition space and browsing through new exciting installations and solutions. That, in turn, leads to more contacts, a better understanding of the current state of affairs, and inspiration.
In other words, it’s a great environment to catch up with all that’s hot and get inspired for your own product to become better.
Las Vegas
Okay, that has nothing to do with digital signage, but being in this city is always refreshing. It’s a nice place to switch from your routine and a good team-building opportunity.
Las Vegas location gives DSE a special advantage as coming to the town that preaches digital signage (Fremont Street Experience, The Sphere, all the screens everywhere you look) is quite an inspiring moment too.