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During our podcast interview with Vincent Encontre (COO of Intuiface) at the DSSE earlier this month, we discussed the prospects and challenges for interactive screens. Vincent gave an amazing speech on Digital Signage Platforms and we asked him to briefly explain to our readers and listeners why traditional CMS fails, and why Digital Experience Platform is the future.
“Traditional CMS is mostly focusing on displaying media. Media is one kind of content. Beyond the three seconds, you’ve attracted the attention of a user – a customer, you need to have a more structured content. How to bring that content to the screen? How to connect to a wide variety of data sources? And then the customer is going to engage. The information is going to go into other ways. It’s not the asymmetric information by direction.

We want this channel to be recognized in the marketing world. We must facilitate the life of people in large organizations who want to provide a very coherent journey to their customers. CMSs must do a strong effort to provide this level of integrability with the rest of the platform world.”
Listen to the full podcast interview with Vincent Encontre to learn how interactive digital signage creates new marketing possibilities and how Digital Experience Platform can pave a way for a regular business to succeed:
Kitcast Podcast feat Intuiface – Episode 6 – What About Interactive Digital Signage?