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Businesses around the world are looking for ways to win the competition. Sooner or later they come upon digital signage as one of the best solutions to do just that. However, what exactly does the digital signage software do?
In this article, we're going to guide you through the exciting world of business digital signage giving you a full look on why you should seriously consider applying this technology in whatever industry you are. Digital signs are versatile, they are futuristic and, most importantly, they do the job. That's why implementing this technology in your day-to-day seems like a natural pick.
However, there is one thing you should take into account before proceeding any further with your signage endeavors: the software. As we're talking about the digital medium, the software is everything. It will be responsible for your sales boom if you choose right and it will devour all of your budgets if you choose wrong. We're here to help you to go with the first option and make the most of digital signage technology for your business. Let's start.
When the signage gets digital

Billboards are great and we in advertising all love them but at some point, the marketing industry looked around and understood that with the advancement of technology the way you communicate with customers changes too. And the digital medium drastically enhances the effects of whatever you're showing.
That's how the digital signs came into existence, they were a natural response to the tech revolution. And we're really happy it happened this way because with the screen-powered signs you can do so much more and amaze so much easier.
In order to get even more specific, there are three milestones in digital signage history:
1) first generation - is all about the LED. It didn't go very far from the static signage, to be honest as there is no media player that can control the content shown and all the changes should be made manually;
2) second generation - when the screens get controlled by the software of some kind. Whether it's a DVD media player or a media box, this is the digital signage variety that allows the person who's in charge to react instantly and create the content the software is capable of showing.
As time went by, the technology has advanced to the point when today you can broadcast virtually any kind of content. However, it's still all about the software.
There is also a third generation, a so-called interactive digital signage. It is less about the software itself and more about the capabilities of the screens that now can allow the users to interact with them (by touching, for example).
"We want digital signage for our business, what's next?"

The first step in this process would be choosing the right software. It may be the most important decision you'll ever make regarding your marketing so you should come prepared. A mistake at the very beginning can cost you lots of dollars. And, more importantly, nerves.
Alright, the question you've been dying to ask, what exactly does the digital signage software do? In short, it allows you to create and show content through the screen.
In other words, it is a bridge between your marketing and your customer that makes the content magic possible. And we know that the bridge should be stable, secure and functional. That's the same criteria that the digital signage software can be judged for.
It comes in all shapes and sizes, budget and not so, reliable and unreliable. It is an ever-growing market worth more than 30 billion dollars. Quite naturally, there are many software options to choose from, the suppliers here are in fierce competition with each other fighting to provide the best service to their customer. You.
Kitcast is also a digital signage software company. And as we're not the first year in the business and have provided our services to many businesses out there, here's a piece of good advice:
don't rush when choosing the software that's going to run your digital signage network, take time to understand this technology and what it can bring to your business.
Understanding digital signage software
There is no same business. Every company runs in its own way, marketing strategy included. When you choose the digital signage software keep that in mind. If something works somewhere else it doesn't necessarily mean that it will do the same job for your business.
These are the main things to take into account when choosing the digital signage software:
- reliability
- security
- easiness
- powerfulness
All four components working together give the right result. In our opinion, they all should be present in order to have an effective digital signage solution. If something is missing then you can expect problems in the future.
For example, if your software is easy-to-use but not powerful enough you can come to a situation when it's simply incapable of showing some types of content you need. Or if it's reliable but you have to spend hours trying to understand how this or that feature works, it will eat your working time and in the end bring more distress than comfort.
Try to choose the solution that checks all these four boxes and meets your pricing expectations.
"So, which software should I go for?"
As we are a digital signage software company ourselves, it's hard to be completely neutral here. But it's not about our product, it's more about the philosophy we represent that is a bit different from the other players in this market. Our main aim always was to disrupt the industry, to bring innovation. That's how we turned to Apple TV as the perfect medium for the digital signage software we developed.
In reality, what it means is that we believe in the cloud-based nature of the software. In the easiness of it all when in order to have the digital signage system with any number of screens, you need three things: screens (obviously), Apple TV and our app. No other hardware, no unnecessary wires, no IT teams. Just an easy-to-use solution that allows you to implement your best content ideas. And we think we were able to create such an option for you.
However, that is one of the choices for you. Be sure to learn more about the cloud-based solutions and compare the options that would fit your business. And don't forget to follow the four rules of choosing the right software we've discussed earlier.