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Stadium digital signage can make the experience of visiting your venue much more entertaining. It is guaranteed to bring more engagement, sales, and advertising gains. We’ll walk you through 5 strategies on how to make it happen.
Why do stadium digital signage strategies matter in 2022?
Nothing great comes without a plan. In the world of marketing, the strategy is absolutely essential to connect all the dots and provide your visitors with a great experience. This is particularly true for stadiums. These venues are visited by thousands of people and organizing everything properly is a must. That is why digital stadium signage strategy planning is so important.
And then there’s COVID-19 and all the uncertainty it brought to the events and sports industries. Stadiums are those places where people gather, where people pay to be able to collectively be. And that’s a huge challenge in our lockdown-influenced times. Venues should navigate the dangerous waters of preventing a potential outbreak. The great news is that technology can provide relief. And that technology is digital signage.
The screens allow for much better control of what’s happening in your stadium whether it’s a people’s movement or the commercial engagement. When you have a tool like that in your arsenal, everything becomes easier: you can run multiple ads, realize various visual projects, provide clear wayfinding and interact with people. Altogether, without much hassle.
So here are the top 5 stadium digital signage strategies that are sure to help you ace your visual game.
1. Providing state-of-art wayfinding
First thing first, when people enter your stadium they would like to know exactly where to go and how to get there in the most comfortable manner. Static signage is just not the answer in 2022. That’s when the displays come into play. They can easily guide and show the way.
But having displays around doesn’t necessarily guarantee a hassle-free experience for your visitors. How you organize it does. So make sure that what you’re showing through the screens is easy-to-grasp and informative. The wayfinding signs are pointing in the right direction and the displays are placed where people can see them. You can also combine the broadcast of wayfinding information with other pieces of content like an invitation to visit a bar, a shop, or run ads.
2. Alerts management for adequate COVID protection
The primary concern for any venue in 2022 is the health and security of the visitors. As we’re still not out of a coronavirus phase with new variants emerging and the overall high virality of the sickness, adequate measures from the side of stadiums in addressing the pandemic are required. And digital stadium signage is one of the ways to make sure your premises are safe.
The screen allows you to show alerts, informational videos, social distancing calls, mask-wearing messages, and other health-related information. It is a quick and straightforward way to show people that you care about them and are doing everything possible to protect them from the virus.
3. Using digital menus for an income boost
Whether you’re running a bar, a restaurant, or a cafe in your stadium, digitalization is sure to take the way you interact with customers to the next level. During the games or events the stadium cafe might fill up with people pretty quickly and that’s where digital really shines. When you have digital menus in place it accomplishes several missions:
- A more effective queue-management system
- A better visual representation of products and food you’re selling
- A possibility to run content about the special propositions and promotions
- A social media integration and ability to ask customers for user-generated content
As you can see, the possibilities of digital menus are many and varied. As a marketing tool, it’s a great way to boost your cafeteria and make it much more engaging and fun for the customers.
4. Transforming your team store for better sales
The sale of merch is an important part of stadium income flows and with digital signage, you are able to make it better. First comes the shop itself. Install screens inside to create a cool visual experience for the customers running stunning team-related videos, promoting products, showing team member endorsements. Create a visual space that would motivate people to browse more and buy more. You can do it both with regular-sized screens and implementing gigantic video walls. Another option would be going with the interactive boxes that engage with customers.
Outside the shop, all the screens that are installed around your stadium premises could also show team store-related content. These can be short ads, product promotions, and calls to visit the shop. This kind of 360-degree marketing will draw customers to your store and bring more sales as a result.
5. Delivering bombastic advertising
Stadiums allow advertisers to flex their marketing muscles in an unlimited number of ways. However, with so many people gathered in one place, it can sometimes be hard to get attention. While static ads are something obsolete and boring, digital signage is what will make your advertisers happy and you as a venue much more versatile in your advertising game.
Screens are flexible meaning that you can afford to run many ads at once and experiment with different formats. And there are just so many kinds of options. You can install ordinary TV-sized screens, big video walls, interactive boxes, custom-sized screens, and gigantic field screens. And every time with the right approach you can expect positive feedback from the customers and fantastic visuals.