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It’s time to take social media digital signage seriously. Why? Because it is a great way to boost your marketing in 2022 and make sure that you are on top of the game. Here are the 5 ways how to do it properly.
It’s probably impossible to find a person that doesn’t use social media nowadays. Sure, there are some people that are not on Instagram or LinkedIn, but this does not necessarily mean that they are not on some other channel.
Being online and interacting with each other is a very 21st-century phenomenon. It’s hard to say it’s a new one, social media has been around for more than a decade now. That’s why it’s even more surprising that some companies aren’t still using the power of social to sell better.
Social media and digital signage go well together. The latter is a natural way to bridge the online world and offline. When you use screens to interact with the audience it’s breaking an engagement wall. The capabilities of social media marketing multiply with display technology. We’ve gathered these great ways to take social interaction to new heights.
1. Acing user-generated social media content for digital signage
There is a venerable thing in the world of online marketing and the name is user-generated content. In other words, it’s everything that the audience posts about your brand that you can later use as content yourself. It’s a highly effective way to get people talking about the things you’re selling and make waves of discussion around your brand.
However, there’s always a question about how your business or organization can ask for user-generated content in the best way possible. And the answer is, you guessed it, digital signage technology.
Using screens will give you the power to ask your audience for content directly. You wouldn’t need to launch expensive advertising campaigns, you will just work with the audience that is already inside your premises (if it’s indoor signage) or outside (if it’s outdoor).
Let’s say you run a clothing shop. A great way to ask for user-generated content would be by displaying a message on the screens as the people come inside your store. It can be a call-to-action asking for photos from the fitting rooms, running a special contest, or getting people to take fun pictures about the shopping experience.
2. Hashtag promotion
Many companies don’t do hashtags. Some do but don’t pay much attention to it. And then there are those who have a whole marketing strategy around hashtag usage by the audience.
The years may have passed, but hashtags are still one of the most powerful ways to promote your brand or the things that your brand is trying to promote on social media. Sure, depending on the social media platform the power of hashtags may differ (like Twitter is all about them while Facebook is not), it’s the art of right promotion that you should be a master of.
Digital signage technology would facilitate the process of promotion of a specific hashtag. It will have a much larger impact if you display it using screens.
3. Running contests
Who doesn’t like a good contest from a good brand? It’s one of the staples of marketing and companies should resort to it once in a while to engage with the audience in a cooler way. And if you run a contest you should have a pool of people that would participate.
One way would be spending money on countless ad campaigns on social media. Another, and much more direct too, would be resorting to the capabilities of screen technology to promote your contest in the most efficient way. You will be able to create awareness about the competition you’re creating in real life and interact with the potential participants directly.
4. Make it fun
There is one thing that will surely add colors to the customer experience. Running digital signage on social media digital signage walls is an awesome way to transform the visit to your store. Not only will it look slick and innovative, but it will also show that your brand is listening to people and gives them a central stage.
Make a beautifully looking video wall inside your premises. User-generated content will make it spark and curated feeds will ensure that it’s exciting to look at.
5. Promote your own social media channels
A social media feed for digital signage is an amazing way to get your own content out there. If you take your social presence seriously (as everyone should in 2022), using signage technology will give you a channel to showcase what’s hot on your Instagram or Twitter.
And the great news is that you won’t spend a penny on that. As digital signage is flexible, you will be able to switch between different types of content and show what needs to be shown at certain times.