5 min read

Best Practices Of Showroom Digital Signage

Written by
Pavlo Fedykovych
Published on
April 18, 2023
May 1, 2024

Retail becomes increasingly experiential and showroom digital signage is at the forefront of this transformation. Brands are fighting for the customer’s attention and there’s no longer a place for the boring product presentation.

With digital signage, a showroom sparkles. It adds a “wow” factor everyone is so eager to achieve in their stores. We’re covering the showroom digital signage and its best practices in this article.

Why does your showroom need display technology?

Engagement with the customer feels good. It is an important part of any retail business nowadays. Get it right and it’s almost guaranteed that the sales will increase. Get it wrong and you risk losing the trust of the visitor and alienating him from your store or the brand. 

Showroom digital signage is a tool that ensures a more effective engagement. Retail space is the place where the display technology shines the brightest. The reason for that is the fact that the customers coming to brick-and-mortar stores are initially ready to interact with the brand.

In showrooms, interaction is basically the prime reason for the whole concept’s existence. People come inside to touch, to try on, to see, to feel. When you’ve got digital signage deployed, your showroom becomes more versatile and unlocks the new powers of customer engagement.

Good example

Let’s take the fashion showroom as an example. Without screens in place, your display is very muted. Clothes, shoes, and bags don’t tell a story, they are just there. Standing silently. 

But imagine you’ve got the digital signage on the spot. You can use screens to actually show how these products look in the real world, run celebrity endorsements, broadcast client testimonials, and create a special brand atmosphere with the help of digital visuals. Now that takes your showroom to the next level of engagement and makes sure that the visitor has an unforgettable experience.

Be different with showroom digital signage

Being different is at the core of winning the competition. In retail space, it’s even more relevant. The brand that goes further in terms of experience is winning big time. Achieving such supremacy with digital means is much easier than without them. And the showrooms are where you act. 

It all comes down to your content approach. Any experience is created by the content. When you don’t have showroom digital signage you’re limited to static means like images, stands, informational boxes, and text. With screens, you’ve got all that + the unlimited creative possibilities of the digital space. That includes videos, AR, AI, and VR too. 

Let’s just put it this way, being different is much easier when you have all the visual arsenal provided by the signage technology.

Another good example

Car showrooms are impressive enough with the products they display (the cars). But there’s always a way to stand out. With the digital signage, of course. Whether it’s a budget or luxurious brand, screens can help you convey a message, show the car in action, accentuate things worth accentuating, and create a special atmosphere. 

You can also use screens in connection with sound crafting audiosensory experiences. AR and VR are always an option too. Displays will serve as portals to other dimensions and you can always create unique visual adventures that will be sure to stay in the memory of your customers.

Some technology magic always helps

New technologies are quite impressive in terms of what they can do. Who thought a decade ago that the screen will be able to serve as the “fitting rooms”? But here we are in 2023 with brands actively deploying this technology.

Like Timberland did here

Magic is real and you can be a master of it and use the capabilities of digital signage for the benefit of your brand. 

Magic is an elusive concept and it’s quite hard to get it right. But once you put enough talent and effort into creating a truly exceptional showroom experience for your customers, you know you did it. 

The main quality of this retail magic is the “impressive” factor. When what you’re doing within your space really stands out and can’t be found at your competitors’ showrooms. Digital signage doesn’t guarantee that everything will go this way. But it offers an instrument for you to create and that’s the central thing. 

AR and VR became more accessible in recent years. They were embraced by retailers with open arms and we’ve already seen many awesome applications of these technologies. Digital signage is key to enabling them, it’s your key to this brand-new exciting world. Make the most of it by deploying the screens right now.

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