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If reliving the game experience from Netflix's 2021 hugely popular South Korean show is in your plans, the brand new Squid Game pop-up is there to satisfy this urge. Minus gore and blood.
Courtesy: Netflix
What happened: Netflix is still banking on Squid Game universe. That's why it's not a surprise that the company is going immersive with its new Squid Game pop-up in Los Angeles. The company inaugurated the experience on December 6 and plans to run it throughout 2024 too.
The game gets real with various challenges from the hit show becoming a reality. Netflix partnered with Samsung (another household Southern Korean name) to create technology-heavy experiences that guarantee full immersion into the game's lore.
There is a total of 6 games. You've got the show's most memorable bits like the glass bridge (LED lights up the way and you have to memorize it), the "Red Light, Green Light" with a creepy doll countdown, and the "Gganbu" with marbles. The main difference between the real-life Squid Game pop-up and the show is that you don't die when losing (thank God). Players have special buzzing bracelets that "announce" a defeat in a harmless fashion (except your ego maybe).
The whole experience takes 70 minutes, and there's no cash prize. Players can be considered for the next edition of Netflix's "Squid Game: The Challenge" reality TV show (at least, that's the company's promise).
What else is there: apart from the immersive games, this Squid Game pop-up features a gastronomic section that emulates the Korean night market as well as a brand store where you can shop for show-related memorabilia and costumes.
Basically, this pop-up is Netflix getting into the physical amusement game. The challenges, the food court, the store, the whole thing looks like a classic American theme park experience albeit on a smaller scale. It's interesting to see where it leads the streaming giant.
Also, it's refreshing to see Netflix teaming up with Samsung and emphasizing on digital signage solutions. The pop-up is packed with screens of different sizes that are there to bring both immersion and the atmosphere.