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In-store digital signage is one of the most popular applications of this technology. The screens have become an integral part of any retail experience nowadays and there are always ways to improve them. Learn about the new trends in this article.
If it’s a big shopping mall, the general rule in 2022 is that it’s essential to have digital signage in place. What is to understand is that many types of screen technology exist in one big shopping mall space. There are the screens for the mall itself and then there are the ones that are found inside the many stores. Each of these devices fulfills its own role.
Why digital signage in store is a “golden standard” in 2022?
We are living in a digital world where everyone has dual lives: offline and online. With pandemic, the second has seen a rapid increase in popularity. Lockdowns, restrictions, social distancing norms, and the general advancement of technology has made e-commerce a prime way of how people interact with brands, how they shop, and how they browse.
Still, the physical stores are not going anywhere. There are definitely here to stay, albeit, in a changed, digitally-transformed version. Those businesses that added digital signage to their roster before the pandemic hit have seen a more positive paradigm in sales than those that didn’t. It’s never too late to start, though. With solutions such as Kitcast, you can be up and running in minutes.
What does the “golden standard” mean anyway?
In the case of digital signage, it’s applying a tool that can bring faster growth for your store, make the engagement with customers better and eventually lead to more sales. But businesses should also understand that it’s not the digital signage per se that makes the change possible, it’s how you use it within your marketing strategy that does.
The customer experience of the future
The demands of customers depend. Every business knows that. They are dependent on many things and each niche has its own audience. Moreover, different stores within the niche may have specialization. That’s why it would be a mistake to categorize the customer experience with a one-for-all approach. It’s an ever-changing thing.
And that’s exactly what makes in-store digital signage a perfect pick for any store. It is an adaptable technology. One screen may simultaneously promote products, be used for internal communication, create the atmosphere, compliment the design and fulfill the branding goals. Compared to static signage, it’s a solution in its own league.
Another great thing is the cost-friendliness. To run cloud-based digital signage you would only need a screen, an Apple TV, and software like Kitcast. When the in-store digital signage system works properly changing the content would be absolutely free for you, with no costs spent on countless changing of printed signs and worrying about maintenance of static signs.
When it comes to the interaction of the future, it’s all in the visual power of the screens. Big, small, mid-sized, displays can fulfill multiple functions at once and deliver the performance you need for your store. The future is flexible and adaptable. That’s exactly what digital signage offers to your store.
Practicalities of getting the engagement right
It’s never enough to just have a tool. It is important to know how to use it effectively.
This statement is true for in-store digital signage. It is a solution that allows you to make the wildest plans in your marketing strategy a sparkling reality. But for it to happen you should have a plan. Without a clear picture of how you’ll use signage technology, you risk losing time and money.
Important things to keep in mind before using digital signage for customer engagement:
- Know your audience well. Like really well.
Why does it matter?
If your store caters to the younger generations, it is a great idea to use digital signage to promote social media and engage in interactive online games. But if the audience is 50+ it will simply not work the same way. The age is the easiest example, there are dozens of categories to use and to know about your audience so be sure to do the homework.
- Analyze what competitors are doing. And do better.
Don’t copy what’s good. Make it your own. Find ways to adapt and improve. In the end, it’s all about creativity and creating a perfect atmosphere for your customer, so make that happen.
- Keep a hand on the pulse of the latest technological advancements in the sphere of retail.
Maybe you can use robots. Maybe interactive screen boxes. Maybe it’s the video walls you’re looking at. Know what’s hot and apply it to your store.