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The question of how to transform your restaurant with digital signage is a burning one. It’s something that the owners ask themselves every day when contemplating introducing this technology at their venue. And it’s not only served to those who just start. Many restaurants already have some kind of digital signage in place and would like to take it further and achieve more. This article will help.
Restaurant digital transformation: what’s that?
Everyone talks a lot about digital transformation, but rarely is this term explained properly.
The transformation would be positive when you pair the power of the screens with your marketing strategy. Once it works to the advantage of your restaurant, you can say that the digital transformation is successful.
The main misconception about restaurant digital signage is that it is enough to install the screens and run any kind of content. It is completely wrong. The screens themselves don’t do magic. You have to have a strategy in place and use the capabilities of the screen technology to realize it in practice.
For example, if you’re running digital menu boards, the wrong way of digital transformation would be to show exactly the same content as on the regular menus. This way you’re doing a cosmetic change and not using digital signage to the full force. What should be done is reimagining the customer experience with the screens. If it’s a digital menu, run promotional videos, use pop-ups, show how juicy is your offer, and apply all the tricks the digital medium offers.
Think carefully about the things you’re showing
All the restaurant digital signage content should be well-calculated and relevant. Relevancy is extremely important for having trust with your customers.
And trust requires high-quality and also great knowledge about the needs of your target audience. Do you know your customers enough? What kind of content they are expecting to see? What kind of content works better?
Ask marketing questions and do research to answer them properly. This way, you’re constantly adapting your digital signage to cater to the tech needs of your customers in the best way possible.
Are you thinking of showing something that you know lacks quality, is irrelevant or is inauthentic? Our advice is simple. Just don’t. People are not stupid, and we’re talking about your business here. Deliver teh best content you’ve got. If a video, photo, or concept doesn’t belong to this category, just drop it altogether and create something attention-worthy.
It’s all about sales
Every digital signage solution comes with a great promise of increasing sales. But don’t look at it in isolated terms. It is not the screens that are selling better. It’s your marketing strategy that sells better using the capabilities of the displays.
That’s how to make money with digital signage advertising and restaurant menu boards. Treat your screens as an extension of your regular marketing efforts.
If you’re running promotions, think about how to present them in a way to persuade customers to make that purchase. If you’re running an advertising network take time to understand how to make it in the most unintrusive way and still get the trust of your customers.
You shouldn’t just throw digital content at the people that frequent your place. It takes tact and respect to organize the whole network properly. Also, you will need to experiment with content, adapt your strategy according to things that work (or don’t work), and be ready to listen to the feedback.
Actually, feedback is the best way to keep a hand on the pulse of customer expectations. And it’s just another great tip on how to transform your restaurant with digital signage. Listen to what the people are saying, talk to them through the screens. You see, restaurant digital signage is quite a versatile tool and not only you can use it for promotion, but it also helps you to engage with the customers in a better fashion.
Digital menus are a must
It is such a natural extension of the restaurant’s allure and yet many still don’t apply it for their venues. We’re talking about the digital menus, of course.
Done properly, it can seriously boost your sales. A digital menu helps you to highlight the menu items, promote social media, engage with your audience and make the whole experience more interactive and fun. So why not deploy it in your restaurant?
It’s an extremely easy thing to do technology-wise. For example, with Kitcast you would only need to have a screen, an Apple TV, and our app installed. Following a simple and quick installation process, your digital menu will be ready to amaze the customers in less than 15 minutes.