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As digital medium becomes the golden standard of all the aspects of everyday life, digital signage vs traditional signage comparison is as relevant as ever. Let’s dive into this topic and see what can work better for your business.
Just walking by the street in say New York or London, you can see what 2021 feels like technology-wise. And we’re not talking about gadgets, we’re talking about the communication. Content has become a primary instrument for businesses and organizations to, well, talk to customers. It’s the “how” that’s relevant for us. And the “how” is increasingly becoming digital.
Digital signage vs traditional signage
Once upon a time the advertising was born. As people had only a static (printed) way to get in front of the target audience, the banners became the most popular and exclusive way to advertise. It has been true for almost a century now. But times they are a-changin. As the years go by and the technology penetrates deeper, hasn’t static become obsolete?
As we are a digital signage startup, our answer would certainly be “absolutely!”. But not so fast.
We believe that when choosing the means of communication with your customer, it is extremely important to know what works best for you. If it’s traditional static signage - perfect, go on, work with banners, ace this medium. What we’re trying to achieve is give you an alternative. A more flexible, easier, cost effective, sparkling alternative that digital signage is.
Because as the competition grows fiercer and the pandemic raging, the more flexible you are with your marketing the better. When you can rapidly switch between different types of content, and you constantly gather all the eyeballs, it makes marketing much easier and natural. Screens are such a lifesaver and we’re determined to tell you why.
Numbers don’t lie
It’s always about the statistics, isn’t it? Let’s see what digital signage vs traditional signage battle looks like numbers-wise.
30% longer browsing time per customer.
30% increase in sales for advertised brands.
150% in sales increase for small businesses.
48% increase in brand awareness.
* than traditional signage
As you can see, it’s not just a slight domination. It’s a full-fledged superiority. We can argue a lot about the benefits of the traditional ways to advertise and show content through the good old banners and static signs. But digital signage wins in almost every category, everywhere you look.
If you’re a marketer you just can’t ignore the power the digital screens give you. Why not apply it to the full force?
Example: Imagine you have a small brick and mortar store and thinking about the ways to conquer the hearts and minds of your customers. If you put an advertising banner it’s good. But it will fulfil only one thing and show only one piece of content.
Now if you install a screen, the whole exciting world of digital opportunities opens to you. Plug Apple TV, install Kitcast, spend mere 5 minutes setting up everything, and voila. You have the almost endless set of possibilities at your fingertips. You can take turns showing the right content at the right time, combine it with entertaining bits, run COVID-19 related PSA, use it to motivate employees, and much much more.
From that standpoint, the duel of digital signage vs traditional signage advertising seems pretty clear to us, and we know the winner.
It’s not complicated to go digital
There is a common misconception that switching to digital signage is complicated and at times frustrating. We can’t say it wasn’t that way before. Numerous cables, incomprehensible software, buggy hardware, the time-consuming setup process. But in this day and age everything is different.
Our solution, Kitcast, is leading the family of plug-and-play Apple TV apps that put simplicity and performance first. With our app you don’t have to worry about the technical stuff. Similarly to how you unpack an Iphone and use it straight away, Kitcast is an app you install and start creating beautiful content in a few simple steps.
The abundance of great and intuitive solutions makes a choice between digital signage and traditional signage very easy. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to win big with the screens and we would be very happy to assist you in that and guide you through. Just let us know.