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Digital signage marketing is a relatively young branch but an extremely powerful one. The screens have transformed the way advertising is done and have brought whole new techniques of customer engagement and interaction. We would like to take a closer look at how exactly this change is being executed at the moment and how advertising with digital signage can give companies more power and better sales.
It's all about the engagement
Brands don't exist in a vacuum. There is always direct communication between the company and the customer. The efficiency of this bridge is the formula to success. Digital signage marketing can guarantee a state-of-the-art channel of interaction.
Before screens, advertising was static. Yes, it was talking to a viewer, but this conversation was one-dimensional. The customer didn't have a chance to interact with this kind of content. That brought a disconnect and distrust.
Now advertising with digital signage follows a wholly different principle. It is dynamic and it's two-way. The rise of the screens and the perfection of software led us to a moment in marketing where the customer is directly speaking to the brand.
Digital signage enables this conversation, the viewer can submit his feedback, the content can be adjusted according to the customer profile, etc. It's a new age of marketing, one based on the importance of the experiential approach and interaction.
Digital signage marketing is not always great
Many articles about screen technology promise miraculous change a second after the digital signage is deployed. It's not like that. And once you accept the fact that screens are not a fairytale tool but rather a powerful extension, it's at that moment that the actual value is seen.
At the end of the day, digital signage marketing is still marketing. That means it follows the same practices and approaches. Generally speaking, to do good digital signage marketing you have to know your theory and be ready to go by the book in practice.
The rules for effective screen technology marketing are well-known:
- have a good strategy - it's not just strategy, it's the good one. It should really be thought-out and manageable.
- know your audience - the audience comes first. You should know the people you're selling to and there should be a flawless knowledge of them. This will help you sell wiser and sell better.
- don't be afraid to experiment - bold companies are more successful than those who don't dare to take risks. Be that company.
- be prepared to adapt
- put out only the best content
When these rules are followed it's much easier to do great things. If there's a thing that can be named a "magic pill" for marketing, that's digital signage technology. But it is only powerful in the hands that know how to use it to the full extent. And in order to do that you have to know very well what you're doing in the first place.
Digital signage marketing may not always be great. But it's up to you to do everything to make it absolutely irresistible.
Screens as a new advertising philosophy
Displays are everywhere nowadays. From shopping malls to schools, from churches to airports, digital signage is omnipresent. And it warms our tech-obsessed hearts. The presence of the screen is a current must in any company, organization, or facility. And not only it is a new advertising philosophy, but it's also a new standard for workplaces, institutions, and even smart cities.
Still, advertising is a sphere that pushes innovation forward at a high speed. If you look at how far the screen solution went in a span of a decade you will see an absolutely remarkable development.
Back in 2009, cloud-based serverless digital signage was a thing of science fiction. In 2023 it's a top choice for a solution. Today it's hard to believe that in the near past, you had to go through the complicated process of digital signage deployment and all the burdensome IT-related stuff.
Solutions such as our very own Kitcast allow you to launch an advertising network of hundreds of screens in less than 15 minutes.
And it's not only that. Advertising loves creativity and the tools that expand the possibilities of engagement. With the advent of AR and VR, digital signage has become a ticket to this new exciting world for the brands that push the borders of what advertising can be. And it's just getting traction, are you ready to become a part of the process?