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Let’s talk about the usage of digital signage in corporate communications. While 2022 and 2023 saw companies worldwide choosing remote work to survive, in 2024 the office makes a comeback. Let’s see how corporate digital signage can help businesses to boost productivity, build trust in the relationship with employees and upgrade the corporate spaces.
While there might be an illusion that everything goes back to normal, it isn’t. Coronavirus pandemics catalyzed the process of change in a workplace and it’s irreversible. It has shown the flaws of traditional workplaces and paved the way for hybrid solutions and more modernized approaches.
Those who are clinging to the old ways were having the most problems. Those who embraced the new reality and started employing new technologies to address the change ensured themselves a profitable future. Corporate digital signage is about the latter.
Where are we at in 2024 with digital signage in corporate communication?
It’s one thing to be in 2002 and not implement screens into your workplace operations. Sure, back then it wasn’t a widespread phenomenon but still, it gave companies the power to boost employee engagement. Also, it was a sign of progress. The main problem back then was the lack of easy-to-use and intuitive software. You had to deal with countless cables and always be in touch with the IT team when something went wrong (and it did).
But in 2024 it’s a whole different story. The pandemic has sent a strong message to all workplaces. Adapt or die. It wasn’t a mere crisis, it was a full-fledged disaster that made the company execs sweat thinking about what the future holds for their businesses and employees. It was rough but there were solutions. But digital signage came out as a big winner. The screens were a great weapon against the virus spreading messages, informing, entertaining, and engaging. Without any risk of transmission, adhering to all the social distancing rules. In modern workplaces these seemed like vital features, so many companies that already had screens doubled down on technology.
Also, compared to 2002, the software drastically changed. Long gone are the days of ultra-complicated screen deployment and headaches of content management. Solutions like Kitcast allow you to get the system running in minutes providing a state-of-art content management system. So what’s the excuse for not using digital signage in corporate communications if all the stars align?
We’d like to walk you through 5 great ideas on how exactly digital signage at a workplace can be used.
1. Create a digital ecosystem for workplace communication
Digital signage it’s not only about the screens. It’s primarily about how you use technology to reach your communication goals. If your corporation has many divisions and they should be always interacting with each other, you can use the display technology to create a next-gen communication ecosystem that will allow for a more effective information flow.
Sure, emails, memos, and internal messages are not going away, but the screens can be used to facilitate the dissemination of information, for example, instead of sending separate emails to the whole division, you can simply communicate it through the display.
2. Enhance the collaboration
Collaboration is at the core of any company’s workflow. And with the remote and hybrid workforce becoming a standard, you will encounter more and more situations when your employees will be dispersed around the city, country, or the globe. Screen technology allows upgrading your conference rooms as well as working spaces to create the most efficient way to collaborate and reach better results.
3. Ace the scheduling
Big corporations are complex systems that should be organized properly to work to the full force. Meetings are at the base of the operations and at times it may be problematic to ensure that everything goes smoothly in terms of rooms, times, and participation. Digital signage completely reshapes the way companies do meetings by providing an easy and straightforward way to see the schedule, book the room, and notify.
With screens in place, you can forget about the paper printouts, the hassle of finding a vacant conference room, or not knowing how many people will be at the meeting. When it’s digitalized it’s organized much better.
4. Promote company ethos
It’s important for your employees to work as a team. It’s even more important for them to belong to a company that has certain values. That’s when digital signage comes into play. Screens can help you show content promoting your company’s ethos. This can be everything from the mission statement, brand colors, personal stories, and images from corporate events. When there’s belonging to something, there’s more trust and more efficiency in work.
5. Show customer reviews on a video wall
While this may not sound like the first thing you would expect from corporate communication, it’s quite a powerful way to motivate your employees. If your company does products, customer reviews are the most essential metric you’d be looking at. Good or bad, if they are shown through the screens they can have an effect on the workforce and reflect all the positives and negatives of your product.
Of course, this list is non-exhaustive. We tried to give you several ideas that would be great to apply in 2024.
Here's our previous list of ideas for digital signage in corporate communications.
Corporations vary in size and scale yet one thing stays the same: effective internal communication is a must to ensure the highest quality of work. That’s when digital signage in corporate communications comes at play as an ultimate tool to give corporations great power to organize internal processes.
Pandemic has changed the way we work. Workplaces around the world stood (and still standing empty) due to the lockdown restrictions and the virus spread. However, the office is not going anywhere. More than 60% of jobs are in the workplace and it is going to more or less stay that way. What is going to change regarding the coronavirus crisis though is the way the working is organized.
Social distancing, wearing masks, minimizing the spread of the virus are the realities of 2021 and, probably, 2022. Until the vaccination is done in a way that stops the spread of coronavirus, it’s too early to talk about the defeat of COVID-19. But it doesn’t mean that the organizations shouldn’t look for ways to make their workplace better for the productivity and success of the company and the wellbeing of the employees.
According to the recent study of Deloitte, the digitalization of the companies has been catalyzed by the virus and has had a positive impact on overall productivity. Should your company be behind the trend? Or is it finally time to turn to the digital solutions that help you thrive in the highly competitive economy that suffered a huge blow from the negative effects of the virus? The answer is easy: it’s time to implement the best digitalization practices that are guaranteed to make your workplace more effective and more resilient to the outcomes of the pandemic.
Why corporate communications digital signage
When we analyze the tools that are available to companies, digital signage stands out as one of the most obvious choices to make things better without going bust. The screen technology is easily implemented and offers a wide range of ways to transform your companies’ internal processes. Digital signage in corporate communications is a quick, easy, powerful and money-saving tool, one you can’t continue without once you’ve tried it.
Often companies are reluctant to install digital signage solutions because it sounds too technical and too confusing. However, with companies like Kitcast the whole process takes literally minutes to set up. You would just need a screen, an Apple TV and an internet connection. You download our app from the App store, spend 5 minutes walking through a simple plug-and-play process and you’re good to go with the corporate communications digital signage straight away. Does it sound any more complicated than unpacking a new iPad?
But in order to effectively start doing corporate communications digital signage at your company, it is important to know what is actually working and which content is the best in 2021. That’s why we’ve prepared this list of 8 Ideas for the Corporate Communication Digital Signage. Let’s get into it.
1. COVID-19 awareness
Let’s face it, the modern work environment is completely dependent on the effectiveness of the fight against COVID-19. Any organization that opens its office doors to employees has to make sure that they would be safe inside and that the situation is under complete control. Nobody needs another superspreader event or a factory outbreak.
Of course, as an employer, you can’t control every single germ that goes in and out of the office. What you can do though is organize your workplace in a way that minimizes any potential spread of the virus. And fast and direct communication is vital here. We’re talking “at the right place, at the right time” messaging about the COVID-19. When you have digital signage deployed, the whole process becomes much simpler and intuitive.
When you have screens at the workplace you can use them to show PSAs, directions, crucial virus information, examples, warnings. That’s a game-changer when it comes to covering a big corporation in a short time or reaching every one of your employees.
2. Keeping employees informed about the company
Nobody likes to be in the dark. In our fast-changing world, the more informed you are the better it is for the business and for productivity. That’s why digital signage is a great idea to ensure that your workers get everything they need to do their jobs. This can include news, company stats, facts, etc.
With screens implemented you can forget about word-of-mouth and rudimentary leaflets. Digital technology will do everything for you and will do it effectively.
Corporate digital signage solutions allow you to be in constant interaction with your workers. By installing the screens you're creating an effective network that brings communication efforts to the next level. Is there a necessary update that needs to be brought up? You can use screens for that. And you can do it instantly, without spending time on printing and distributing.
3. Providing training
Constant training is absolutely essential for increasing the qualification of your employees and ensuring that your company is up-to-date with all the latest developments in the industry you’re in. Boring training is the worst, we all know that. It shouldn’t make everyone feel miserable about themselves and often it does. While it’s not only about the medium of the training but more about how it’s done, the digital medium can help a lot.
Screens are interactive and engaging, it’s in the core of their technology. Why not use it to the fullest potential at the training? It is definitely a way to boost the interest of your employees and bring more trust within the company. With screens, you have an unlimited number of content approaches to make your employees interested in training.
4. Notifying about the important milestones and emergencies
Sometimes it’s important to act fast. Whether it’s a factory emergency or a sudden change in the stock price, the faster the information is delivered internally the better. And digital signage is perfect for that. With one click you can turn all the screens at your company into the message boards without having to think about all the hassle of printing and going separately to each employee with the information.
Emergency situations can really put your business or organization under the test. It's absolutely essential to have a game plan in case something goes wrong and digital signage in corporate communications has you covered from the unexpected.
5. Ensuring the real-time information delivery
Some industries require constant real-time information updates. They depend on the speed of information distribution. When you use screens for that purpose you may be sure that the real-time is done right and your company is backed by technology. This will improve productivity and make sure that you care about your workforce.
Screens are very flexible and adaptable so you can use them in a way that works best for your industry showing content that is relevant. When the employees are constantly informed about the fluctuating numbers or important changing stats, it's making their jobs easier.
6. Encouraging employees
The best workplace is the one that cherishes its employees and is ready to recognize their successes. It is all about healthy communication and empathy. Do you feel like your workers might have a stressful day because of the workload? Use the digital signage to communicate with them, broadcast something nice, improve morale, motivate. Show them that you care.
Another way to use it is for recognition. For example, each week you can run “Worker of the week” contests, regularly thank employers that work great.
7. Minimizing the use of printed materials
Although it seems that 2021 should see the paperless world, it is still not a case for many companies out there. Countless printed materials, tons of cut wood, harm to the environment. There is a much better and effective alternative to it: digital signage in corporate communications.
Screens do everything paper does but they do it much efficiently and without unnecessary printing and paper costs. With easy implementation, you’re at once getting rid of all the printing-related problems and headaches. So why not implement the technology instead of going old school?
And cutting costs on paper would be a great way to redistribute money where it should be without spending it on solutions that don't work anymore.
8. Create a socially welcoming space
Having fun at work may not sound like a very realistic idea but it definitely should be a part of making sure that your workplace is nice to be at. Creating a welcoming, safe environment is key here. The wellbeing of your employees can be improved by that and the screens will help. Run funny quizzes, interact with your workers through social media, make immersive work-related quests. Fun should always be present at a place where people spend so much time. And you can achieve that by going digital.