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During our talk with Dave Haynes from Sixteen:Nine as a part of our set of DSSE interviews, we’ve discussed prospects for digital signage companies and innovations that will shape the industry in the forthcoming years. With some technologies already on the rise, there is still plenty of underdog projects that can create a demand in 2020. We asked Dave Haynes about the digital signage market niches he sees the most of demand growth.
“I think what you’re going to see in the digital signage broadly ios you're gonna start to see people who design physical spaces like office lobbies, public concourses in mass transport, convention centers, big retail properties and so on. Increasingly with Direct View LED it’s getting to a cost level that you start thinking not in terms of building a space thinking about how would we put a very large screen or set of screens to thinking about the whole physical walls of the space and I guess the floor can be LED.
You go from design space that has AV technology in to a design space that’s built around AV technology. The lobby of a building can look like a Brazilian rainforest, or what’s left of it, unfortunately. Instead of making a decision that this space is going to have travertine tile walls for 20-25 years till we do a renovation, it can be changeable by a minute. ”
Listen to the full podcast interview with Dave Haynes to keep your hand on the pulse of the digital signage market and learn valuable insights:
Kitcast Podcast feat Sixteen:Nine– Episode 9 – What About the Digital Signage Market?